Mount Microsoft Windows 7 System Image Backup Virtual Hard Disk – VHD file(s) in Linux using Guestmount
Example to open a System Image Backup VHD file stored on a USB backup drive (D:)
sudo mkdir /mnt/vhdmp sudo guestmount --add /media/mike/New\ Volume/WindowsImageBackup/DESKTOP-86333F0/Backup\ 2023-11-28\ 145005/3300c520-45e9-48f0-aaca-5b5a0b380b77.vhdx --inspector --ro /mnt/vhdmp
Once mounted use Krusader (Admin mode) or Nautilus to open the mount point directory (\mnt\vhdmp) to browse contents
Mounted in Read-Only mode
To mount in Read-Write mode replace -ro with –rw.